How To Avoid Looking Hungover AF

How To Avoid Looking Hungover AF

How To Avoid Looking Hungover AF


We understand better than most how fast things can escalate. One minute it's Friday night and you're downing some drinks with your girls, the next it's Sunday night and you're six cocktails deep at a trendy bar you had to check out. Before you know it it's Monday and you're filled with regret and a whole lotta liquor. How do you survive your 9-5 on a Monday with the mother of all hangovers? We've got some tried and tested tips to help you make it through the day without looking hungover AF. Here's how to look like a 10/10 (okay, that's very generous... maybe a decent 4/10) with a hangover. 


1. Take your makeup off the night before!  


It may seem like a no brainer but lots of people are guilty of sleeping with their makeup on *gasps*. There are only a handful of things worse than waking up with panda eyes and patchy makeup and your skin, babe, think of your SKIN. If your skincare routine involves 20 steps or if you're just too buzzed to bother, reach for some makeup wipes and call it in. It's not the best but it's something



2. Stay hydrated


Girl, you thirsty. Alcohol dehydrates your body so the more water you drink, the more fluids you replace. Fun fact, water's also great for your skin and can cure almost everything. 

P.S. If you're as bougie as we are you can trade still water for coconut or sparkling water just because. 


3. M-O-I-S-T-U-R-I-S-E


A little moisturiser never hurt nobody! Moisturising should already be an important part of your skincare routine but it's doubly important when trying to look like you didn't get lit all weekend. Tinted moisturiser is a miracle worker - not only will it hydrate your skin but it'll hide any evidence you're surviving on three hours of sleep. 


4. Concealer  


"Don't reveal, just conceal" - Marilyn Monroe, probably.

You don't need much for it to work it's magic, in fact, less is more. 

5. Sunglasses 


Our last resort and the official IDGAF accessory. If you're stealthy enough you can sneak in a nap at your desk or in the break room.